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MOUTH Mask - Cosmogolem

Since the last few weeks, Covid-19 is dominating our lives...

Now, more than ever, it is time for a sharp turnaround and high time to focus on the well-being of the other(s).

From Africa to North and South America, Asia, and Europe, the CosmoGolem calls for protective masks. With our CosmoGolem foundation, we want to answer this call and set up small workshops in various places to provide others with face masks. The Future of Hope foundation in Zimbabwe, led by Chido Govera and the Mapuche Communities in Valparaiso, Chile, under the care of Maria Guzman, will kick things off.

Protecting the other remains their motto.

All these beautiful people will set an example for the generations of the future. They stand up for everyone’s rights, just like the Human Rights statue of Koen Vanmechelen wearing the MOUTH Mask designed by the artist.

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